On behalf of the DRUUMM Steering Committee, we are so pleased to share with you what has emerged from our first in-person gathering last fall in Atlanta. We had the privilege of imagining together the way forward for our community. We hope you find these statements a testament to shared dreams and consistent vision uniting us in purpose.
We came from different cities, classes, genders, races, ethnicities, abilities, histories, and strengths, which required us to listen and bend towards each other. It was not easy work, but we arrived at guideposts that we believe will make our next steps more concrete and attainable. For that, we are truly grateful.
Please read and spend time with these statements. See where your own ideas are reflected or where there is tension, and share those thoughts with us. We need and want to hear all the voices of our community. These statements will also be shared through our regional gatherings, and we encourage you to share them with your local BIPOC groups.
There are several ways to reach us: [email protected] , via our DRUUMM Slack, and at a special forum with our Steering Committee on March 23rd. We’ll also be engaging members at our upcoming in-person gatherings and our April 29th Spring Caucus. We look forward to engaging with you and our ideas in the coming months!
With love and faith,
Esperanza Garza-Danweber, President
Tomi Fatunde, 1st Vice President
Statement of Organizational Role: 2023
DRUUMM is Unitarian Universalism’s oldest and largest people-of-color collective. Building on the legacy of many who came before us, our ministry strives to be multicultural, intersectional, agitating, liberating, and transformative. In a world harmed by white supremacy culture, we work to generate and nurture faithful cultures of solidarity, advocacy, and care.
DRUUMM is proof that a diverse Unitarian Universalism exists. We are a front door for people new to the faith and a spiritual home that nourishes and retains people of color in our liberal religious tradition.
Organizationally, we offer year-round programs that include worship led by UUs of color, culturally specific caucuses, fellowship at General Assembly, faith formation, and leadership development. We also empower members to co-create programs that meet their needs. In partnership with the Unitarian Universalist Association, we journey toward an accountable, intersectional, anti-racist, and anti-oppressive faith.
We prioritize convening, collaborating, and covenanting as we build beloved community. We celebrate spirituality and practice love as lifelong learners. We are invested in cultivating authentic, mutual relationships that center people of color and communities directly affected by marginalization. We are sustained by this work’s transforming power for ourselves and for the wider UU community.
Statement of Strategic Direction: 2023
As a Unitarian Universalist people-of-color collective, we prioritize:
- Cultivating beloved Unitarian Universalist communities that make space for liberatory worship and programming;
- Holding ourselves and the larger community to covenant around multiculturalism, intersectionality, anti-racism, and anti-oppression;
- Resourcing and organizing sustainable regional and identity-based networks of DRUUMM members;
- Developing intentional opportunities for families, youth and young adults; and
- Ensuring each person of color who enters Unitarian Universalism learns of DRUUMM.