DRUUMM’s primary governance body is our Steering Committee, a group of volunteer member-leaders who are elected each year. The steering committee sets the vision and strategic direction for our ministry and organization, approves our annual budget, and supervises staff.
Meet the Executive Committee
Esperanza Flores garza
Tomi Fatunde
1st Vice President
Rev. Carol Thomas Cissel
2nd Vice President
Kate Goka
Michelle Venegas-Matula
Meet the Steering Committee
Verdis Robinson
GA Coordinator
Karin Lin
Michael Crumpler
UUA Liaison
Our leadership ecosystem includes:
Chaplain Team: Our collective of ordained and fellowshipped Ministers of Color who volunteer to provide confidential pastoral care and spiritual leadership for our community.
Organizing Project Advisory Committee: Seasoned lay leaders and religious professionals of color with expertise in BIPOC UU local groups, faith formation, and anti-racism training who help develop our DRUUMM programs and activities.
Nominating Committee: Members who recruit and vet members to serve on the Steering Committee, and provide feedback on the leadership development of the organization.
Staff and Consultants: Our dedicated professionals support the administration, programs, and ministries of DRUUMM.