Leon Spencer Odyssey Video Dear ones, we are honored to share the full Dr. Leon Spencer Odyssey with you, which was captured, edited, and is now ready for release to you members of our beloved Universalist Unitarian family of faith! There is a great joy in sharing an Odyssey and wisdom from our elders for […]
Monthly Archives: March 2022
November 29, 2021 Dear Beloveds and Friends of DRUUMM, As DRUUMM President, I am writing to seek your support for our 2022 DRUUMM Worship & Fundraiser. It will be held on Wednesday, May 4th, 2022 at 8:30pm Eastern with the Reverend B. Tyler Coles of Virginia and musical director Dr. Zanaida Robles of California. I […]
DRUUMM members, and friends are invited to the Premiere of Dr. Leon Spencer’s Elder Spiritual Odyssey. Sunday, March 6th, 2022 6:00 PM Eastern/3:00 PM Pacific/1:00 PM Hawai’i Watch on YouTube RSVP to join a DRUUMM Watch Party Dr. Spencer’s Odyssey will be available on-demand via druumm.org after the premiere. The film is 90 minutes. Special […]