Uniting in Spirit: Religious Professionals Call to Sponsor DRUUMM’s Public Worship

January, 2024

Dear UU Religious Professional Colleagues,

We invite your UU congregation or organization to sign-on to this Open Letter to amplify DRUUMM’s 2025 Public Worship across Unitarian Universalism. DRUUMM’s 5th Annual Public Worship scheduled for Thursday, 8:00 PM Eastern, May 15 2025—a cornerstone event for our faith that uplifts the voices, stories, and spiritual leadership of Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) in Unitarian Universalism. 

This year, Rev. Joan Javier-Duval of Vermont will be the guest preacher, and Dr. Jolie Rocke of Texas will be our musical artist, continuing a tradition of powerful, prophetic worship (open to all) that connects our shared values to the pressing spiritual and political moment. Past worship services have inspired thousands across our movement, bringing together DRUUMM members, multiracial families, and antiracist allies in solidarity and sacred community.

As religious professionals and allies, we know how easy it is for BIPOC leaders to be isolated and marginalized, even within our beloved faith. DRUUMM’s ministry creates vital spaces of connection, empowerment, and resilience for those too often unseen or unsupported. Sponsoring this public worship is not just a symbolic gesture—it’s an act of solidarity that helps build the beloved community we proclaim. Together, we can embody the values of equity and justice by uplifting voices that call us closer to collective liberation.

Sponsorship is a meaningful way to support this vital ministry. Whether by a financial contribution, sharing the plate, or amplifying the event, your sponsorship helps ensure DRUUMM’s transformative work continues to grow.

Together, we can embody our collective commitment to equity and liberation. Will you sign-on to this Open Letter by January 6th, 2025 to help amplify DRUUMM’s 2025 Public Worship across Unitarian Universalism? This letter will be posted publicly in January and carries profound significance. It serves to inspire our wider faith community and galvanize their support.

In faith and partnership,
Organizational affiliations are for identification purposes only

  1. Liberal Religious Educators’ Association (signed by Juliet Donaldson, Executive Director, LREDA)
  2. Unitarian Universalist Ministers Association (signed by Rev. Melissa Carvill Ziemer, UUMA Director of Ministries and Programs, for the UUMA)
  3. Rev. Wayne Arnason, UU Retired Ministers and Partners
  4. Lena K. Gardner, Executive Director, Black Lives of Unitarian Universalism
  5. Matt Meyer, Director of Operations at Sanctuary Boston
  6. Rev. Dr. Tera Landers, Throop Unitarian Universalist and Starr King School for the Ministry 
  7. Rev. Dr. Michael Tino, Lead Ministry Team, Church of the Larger Fellowship
  8. Rev. Erin Walter, Minister & Executive Director, Texas Unitarian Universalist Justice Ministry (TXUUJM)
  9. Pablo DeJesús, Executive Director, Unitarian Universalists for Social Justice 
  10. Lily Rappaport, Director of Family Ministry, Unitarian Universalist Church of Ventura, CA
  11. Jeffrey Melcher, M.Div., Director of Lifespan Religious Education, First Unitarian Church of Oakland, Oakland, CA
  12. Rev. Marlin Lavanhar, All Souls Unitarian Church, Tulsa, OK
  13. Rev. Peggy Clarke, Community Church of New York
  14. Rev. Annie Gonzalez, First Parish in Bedford
  15. Rev. Dayna Edwards, Cedar Lane Unitarian Universalist Congregation
  16. Rev. Scott Aaseng, UU Advocacy Network of Illinois
  17. Rev. Eric Kaminetzky, Edmonds UU Congregation
  18. Rev. Kelly Dignan, Executive Director, UU Ministry for Earth
  19. Rev. Nancy Palmer Jones, UU Congregation of Gwinnett, Lawrenceville, GA
  20. Martha Durkee-Neuman, Assistant Minister for Lifespan Faith Formation, Belmont MA
  21. Rev. Lissa Gundlach, UU Church of Long Beach
  22. Rev. Dr. Matthew Johnson, The Unitarian Universalist Church, Rockford.
  23.  Rev. Kirk W. Freeman, Davies UU Congregation
  24.  Rev. Dr. Terasa G. Cooley, First UU of Columbus, OH
  25. Rev. Alison Miller, First Unitarian Portland, OR
  26. Deborah Weiner, Independent Transitional Ministries Consultant; Member of the Association for UU Transitions Professionals
  27. Rev. Caro Barschow, Northshore UU Church, Danvers, MA
  28. Rev. Sean Parker Dennison, Rogue Valley Unitarian Universalist Fellowship, Ashland, OR
  29. Rev. Mr. Barb Greve, past UUA co-moderator & affiliated community minister, First Parish in Framingham, MA
  30. Rev. Beth Dana, First Unitarian Church of Dallas, TX
  31. Rev. Julia Hamilton,  Unitarian Society of Santa Barbara 
  32. Rev. Xolani Kacela, Ph.D., First UU San Antonio 
  33. Michael DeSantis, Candidate for UU Ministry & Intern Minister, Jefferson Unitarian Church, Golden, CO
  34. Rev. Dr. Marlene Walker UU Congregation of Rock Valley, Rockton, IL
  35.  Rev. Terri Burnor, Minister and Executive Director, Minnesota Unitarian Universalist Social Justice Alliance (MUUSJA)
  36.  Rev. Karen G. Johnston, Senior Minister, First Unitarian Universalist Society Burlington, VT
  37. Rev. Dr. Molly Housh Gordon, Unitarian Universalist Church of Columbia, MO
  38. Rev. Aaron Stockwell Wisman, First Parish in Framingham, MA
  39. Rev. Jamie Hinson-Rieger, The First Parish in Bedford
  40. Rev. Colleen Vahey, Third Unitarian Church, Chicago, IL
  41. Rev. Kate Wilkinson, UU Meeting House of Provincetown, MA
  42. Rev. Heather Rion Starr, UUs of Southern Delaware, Lewes, DE
  43. Rev. Pam Philips, Unitarian Universalist Congregation, Blacksburg, VA
  44. Rev. Leon Dunkley, Ph.D., North Universalist Chapel Society, Woodstock, VT
  45. Rev. Dennis McCarty, Minister Emeritus, UU Congregation of Columbus, IN
  46. Rev. McKinley L. Sims, UUs of Mt. Airy, Philadelphia, PA
  47. Rev. Katie Romano Griffin, All Souls Indy, Indianapolis, IN
  48. Rev. Susan Frederick-Gray, UU Church of Bloomington, IN
  49. Rev. Eric Severson,  Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Midland,  MI
  50. Rev. Dr. Omega Burckhardt, Neighborhood Unitarian Universalist Church, Pasadena, CA
  51. Rev. Patrick McLaughlin, Beacon Unitarian Universalist Congregation, Flagstaff, AZ
  52. Rev. Christie Lunsford, Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Fort Wayne, IN
  53. Rev. Diana Smith, Unitarian Universalist Society, Coralville, IA
  54. Rev. Elizabeth Assenza, First Parish Church in Beverly, MA
  55. Rev. Jennifer Innis, Universalist Unitarian Church of Peoria, IL
  56. Rev. Emily Conger, Nourish: UU Dinner Church Consultants, Salem, MA 
  57. Rev. Amy Carol Webb, River of Grass Unitarian Universalist, Davie, FL
  58. Rev. Amy Zucker Morgenstern,  Unitarian Universalist Church of Palo Alto, CA
  59. Rev. Susan Panttaja, Napa Valley Unitarian Universalist
  60. Rev. Laurel Liefert, First Unitarian Church of Oakland, CA
  61. Rev. Laura Horton-Ludwig, UU Fellowship of Santa Cruz County
  62. Rev. Sue Magidson, Affiliated Community Minister, UU Church of Berkeley, CA
  63. Rev. Tim Kutzmark, Unitarian Universalist Church of Fresno, CA
  64. Rev. Wendy Williams, Jefferson Unitarian Church, Golden, CO
  65. Rev. Allison Farnum, Unitarian Universalist Prison Ministry of Illinois
  66. Rev. Angeline C. Jackson, Unitarian Universalist Church of Davis, CA
  67. Rev. Ben Atherton-Zeman, UU Church of St. Pete, FL
  68. Rosemary Dodd, First Parish Bridgewater Unitarian Universalist Church, MA
  69. Rev. Dawn Cooley, UU Church of Indianapolis, IN
  70. Rev Jonathan Rogers, Abundant Luuv UU, Atlanta, GA 
  71. Rev. Isabel Call, UU Fellowship of Manhattan, KS 
  72. Rev. Deanna Vandiver, UU College of Social Justice 
  73. Rev. Edith A. Love, UU Congregation of Tupelo, MS
  74. Rev. Dr. Beth Johnson, Unitarian Church of Hindsale, IL
  75. Rev. Diane Teichert, Paint Branch UU Church
  76. Rev. Dr. Clyde Grubbs, Tuckerman Creative Ministries for Justice & Healing
  77. Rev. Dr. Michelle Walsh, Tuckerman Creative Ministries for Justice & Healing
  78. Rev. Jamie Elaine Boyce, Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Durang, CO
  79. Rev. Dianne M. Daniels, Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Storrs, CT
  80. Rev. Manish Mishra-Marzetti, First Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Ann Arbor, MI
  81.  Rev. Jeremiah Lal Shahbaz Kalendae, Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Santa Monica
  82.  Rev. Nicoline Guerrier, Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Plattsburgh, NY
  83. Rev. Dr. Maria Cristina Vlassidis Burgoa,  East Shore Unitarian Church, Bellevue, WA
  84. Rev. Roger Bertschausen, Unity Temple Unitarian Universalist Congregation in Oak Park, IL
  85.  Rev. Leslie Takahashi, Lead Minister, Mt. Diablo Unitarian Universalist Church, Walnut Creek, CA
  86. Kelly Greene, Unitarian Universalist Community of Charlotte
  87. Charis Domador, Unitarian Universalist Church of Berkeley
  88. Rev. Anne Mason, Senior Minister, First Parish Lexington, MA
  89. Rev. Dr. Tovis Page, Co-Minister, Unitarian Universalists of San Mateo
  90. Adrian L. H. Graham, Aspirant to UU Ministry & Director of Congregational Engagement, UU Congregation of Rockville
  91. Juan Carlos Flores, Board of Trustees, First Unitarian Church of Los Angeles, CA
  92. Rev. Kristina Church, Minister, Unitarian Universalist Church of Kent and Oberlin Unitarian Universalist Fellowship
  93. Pastor Joshua Berg, Minister, Pacific Unitarian Universalist Church, Rancho Palos Verdes, CA
  94. Rev. Lise Adams Sherry, Anchorage UU Fellowship
  95. Rev. Karen Van Fossan, Minister, SoulForce Center, Fargo, ND
  96. Rev. Krista Weber Huang, Merging Waters Unitarian Universalist Congregation, New Brighton, MN
  97. Rev. S. Sangye L. Hawke, Sierra Foothills Unitarian Universalists, CA
  98. Rev. Beau Rivers, Minister, First Unitarian Universalist Society of Middleborough, MA
  99. Rev. Sharon Wylie, Minister, Chalice Unitarian Universalist Congregation, Escondido, CA
  100. David Strickler, Commissioned Lay Minister, First Unitarian Church of Toledo, OH
  101. Rev. Jane Page, UU Congregations in Statesboro and Brunswick, GA
  102. Simone Monique Barnes, Director of Membership and Spiritual Life, Wildflower Church, Austin, TX
  103. Jamaine Cripe, Lifespan Coordinator, Beacon UU Congregation in Summit, NJ
  104. Nancy Olson, Congregational Life Faith Formation, All Souls Indianapolis, IN
  105. Rev. Kevin Tarsa, Minister, Unitarian Universalist Community of the Mountains, Grass Valley, CA
  106. Rev. Alyssa Lee, Minister, Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Wilmington, NC
  107. Rev. Tina DeYoe, Unitarian Church of Los Alamos
  108. Rev. Rachel Lonberg, Minister, The People’s Church of Kalamazoo, MI
  109. Rev. Bruce Carey Taylor, Minister, Unitarian Church of Marlborough and Hudson, MA
  110. Rev. John Cullinan, Minister, First Unitarian Universalist Church of Berks County
  111. Phoebe Eckart-Lee, Assistant Minister, First Parish in Lexington, MA
  112. Rev. Kimberly Quinn Johnson, Unitarian Universalist Congregation of the South Fork, Bridgehampton, NY
  113. Jessica TenHave-Place, MDiv, Director of Multigenerational Religious Education, Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Santa Monica
  114. Ebee Bromley, director of religious education and musi, First Unitarian Universalist Church of Berks County
  115. Rev. Amanda Hays, Justice Minister, First UU Columbus, OH
  116. Rev. Dr. Nori Rost, UU Congregation Lawrence KS
  117. Dana Buhl, First Unitarian Portland, OR
  118. Rev. Dr. Audette Fulbright Fulson, Lead Min., UU Cong. of Asheville, NC
  119. Brandon Nicks, Director of Administration, Second Unitarian Church of Chicago
  120. India Wood, UUs For Justice in the Middle East Co-Organizer
  121. Rev. Daniel Lawlor, Minister, Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Hudson Valley, Croton on Hudson & Unitarian Church of Staten Island, NY
  122. Kim Collins, Lifespan Religious Educator, UU Congregation of Asheville, NC
  123. Rev. Claudia Jiménez, Minister of Faith Formation, UU Congregation of Asheville, NC
  124. Rev. Jen Crow, Senior Minister, First Universalist Church of Minneapolis, MN
  125. Woullard Lett, Leadership Ministry Associate, UUA Staff
  126. Rev. Jamili Omar, Congregational Life Minister, UU Church of Tucson, AZ
  127. Rev. Sadie Lansdale, Minister, UU Church of Greensboro NC
  128. Kathleen Swift, Director of Family Ministries, Chalice UU Congregation of Escondido
  129. Rev. Elea Kemler, First Parish Church of Groton, MA
  130. Rev. Emily Gage, Associate Minister, Unity Temple Unitarian Universalist Congregation, Oak Park, IL
  131. Jen Johnson, Religious Educator, UU Congregation of Asheville, NC
  132. Jennifer Bluntach, Director of Religious Exploration, AUUF Anchorage, AK
  133. Karena Stroh, Administration and Finance Director, First Parish Brewster, MA & President of Association of UU Administrators
  134. Rev. Kali Fyre, Unitarian Universalist Church of Manchester NH
  135. Rev Kikanza Nuri-Robins, UU Church of Santa Monica CA
  136. Carol Lewis, Director of Administration and Operations, First Parish in Cambridge, MA and AUUA Board Treasurer
  137. Rayla D. Baldwin-Mattson, Director of Religious Education, First Parish Church of Stow and Acton
  138. Carl Kennedy, Second Unitarian Church of Chicago
  139. Rev. Jill McAllister, Lead Minister,UU Fellowship of Corvallis, OR
  140. Rev. Elizabeth A. Harding, affiliated community minister with Unitarian Church of Evanston and hospital palliative care chaplain at UI Health in Chicago.
  141. Rev. Rob Hardies, The First Parish in Cambridge
  142. Rev. Kim D Wilson, Minister, UU Fellowship of Newark, DE and UUs of Central Delaware, Dover, DE
  143. Sensayer Lóre Stevens, Minister of Oak Ridge UU Church, TN
  144. Rev. Kierstin Homblette Allen, Beloved Conversations Program Director, Meadville Lombard Theological School, and Affiliated Community Minister, First Unitarian Church of Orlando, FL
  145. Carol Sorensen, Unitarian Universalist of No. NV and AUUA board member
  146. Rev. Lynn Hopkins, Minister, Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Montgomery, AL
  147. Heike Eghardt, Ministerial Intern, Second Unitarian Church of Chicago
  148. Rev. Elizabeth (Kit) Ketcham, Minister Emerita, Pacific UU Fellowship, Astoria, OR
  149. Rev. Sarah Richards, Minister, Carbondale Unitarian Fellowship, Carbondale, IL
  150. Rev. Karen Lee Scrivo, Affiliated Community Minister, Paint Branch UU Church, Hyattsville, MD
  151. Rev. Darcey Laine, Minister UU Church of Athens and Sheshequin, PA adn UU Church of Cortland, NY
  152. Rev. Jennifer (Jaye) Brooks, Interim Minister, UU Fellowship of Harford County, Churchville, MD
  153. Rev. Kellie C. Kelly, Minister, Miami Valley Unitarian Universalist Fellowship, Dayton, OH
  154. Rev. Arran Morton, Community Minister, Saint John, New Brunswick 
  155. Rev. Lee Bluemel, North Parish UU, North Andover, MA
  156. Rev. Christana Wille McKnight, Star Island Corporation, NH
  157. Rev. Michael Leuchtenberger, UU Church of Concord, NH
  158. Rev. Emily Bruce, First Parish UU, Kingston MA
  159. Rev. Tara Humphries, Developmental Minister, Allen Avenue UU Church, Portland ME
  160. Rev. Dr. Leonisa Ardizzone, The Peace Education Center of the Hudson Valley, Kingston, NY.
  161. Rev. Dr. Robin Tanner, Beacon UU Congregation, Summit, NJ
  162. Rev. Krista Taves, Eliot Unitarian Chapel, Kirkwood, MO
  163. Rev.  Denise Gyauch, Greater Nashville UU Congregation, Nashville, TN
  164. Rev. Ruth Rinehart, community minister / recovery coach, member: Jefferson Unitarian Church, Golden, CO
  165. Rev. Dr. Colin Bossen, First Unitarian Universalist Church of Houston, Visiting Fellow, the Carpenter Centre, Harris Manchester College, University of Oxford, and Distinguished Scholar, Starr King School for the Ministry
  166. Rev. Meg Riley, UUA Co-Moderator
  167. Dr. Charles Du Mond, UUA Co-Moderator
  168. Laura Smidzik, Community Minister, St Paul, MN 
  169. Sara Blackthorne, UU Seminarian, Portland, OR
  170. Elisabeth Geschiere, Chaplain and UU Minister in Seattle
  171. Phyllis Colvin (she/her), Aspirant to UU Ministry
  172. Rev. Karen Hutt,  M.Div NAVAC ACPE Clinical Educator/Chaplain
  173. Lauren Wyeth, Credentialed Religious Educator
  174. Rev. Dr. Kimi Floyd Reisch, Program Administrator for General Assembly and Conference 
  175. Samara Powers, Candidate for UU Ministry 
  176. Antoinette Scully, Los Angeles, CA
  177. Rev. Benjamin Meyers, Oakland, CA
  178. Rev. Lisa Sargent, Lafayette, CA
  179. Rev. Susan P. Conrad, Oakland, CA
  180. Rev. Susan Karlson
  181. Rev. Crystal Zerfoss
  182. Rev. Jordinn Nelson Long
  183. Rev. Elizabeth Banks (retired) Davis, CA
  184. Rev. DL Helfer
  185. Rev. Margaret Rieser
  186. Rev. Jan Taddeo
  187. Rev. Julia McKay
  188. Rev. Jonalu Johnstone
  189. Rev. Stephen M. Shick
  190. Rev. Mykel Johnson
  191. Rev. Anne Hines
  192. Rev. Roberta Finkelstein
  193. Rev. Rose Edington
  194. Rev. Mel Hoover
  195. Rev. Dr. Anita Farber-Robertson
  196. Rev. Nic Cable
  197. Victoria Safford
  198. Rev. Dr. Jan Carlsson-Bull
  199. Rev. Cynthia A. Snavely
  200. Rev. Mitra Rahnema