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📢 Welcome our new DRUUMM Steering Committee Members

Our elections have concluded with 88 members voting this year, an increase from 74 in 2022 and 63 in 2021. After a rigorous process, we have nominated and elected outstanding individuals who will play key roles in shaping the future of our organization and community. Please join us in welcoming the following members: Tomi Fatunde […]

Endorsement of Sofia Betancourt for UUA President

The DRUUMM Steering Committee wholeheartedly urges you to vote for Rev. Dr. Sofía Betancourt for UUA President in June 2023. During our recent Spring Caucus, Sofía had the opportunity to meet with DRUUMM members. It was a powerful gathering, where she shared her vision and listened intently to the voices of our community. The unanimous […]

A Pastoral Note: “The Unacceptable Revolving Door for BIPOC Religious Professionals and Congregants”

by the Reverend Manish Mishra-Marzetti Dear members of DRUUMM’s extended family, I hope this spring season finds each of you well. As DRUUMM’s Lead Chaplain, I’ve been holding some sadness related to the ongoing pattern of BIPOC professionals and congregants leaving our UU congregations, and at times Unitarian Universalism altogether. The specifics in each individual […]

Pastoral Note: The Unacceptable Revolving Door of BIPOC Religious Professionals and Congregants

by the Reverend Manish Mishra-Marzetti, DRUUMM Lead Chaplain Dear members of DRUUMM’s extended family, I hope this spring season finds each of you well. As DRUUMM’s Lead Chaplain, I’ve been holding some sadness related to the ongoing pattern of BIPOC professionals and congregants leaving our UU congregations, and at times Unitarian Universalism altogether. The specifics […]

Welcome Jolanda, New Administrator

Welcome to Jolanda Walter, our new administrative consultant who will be working part-time with DRUUMM. Jolanda will be supporting our membership development and events with a focus on our April 29th Spring Caucus, May 11th Public Worship, and General Assembly in Pittsburgh June 21-25th. This is the evolution of a role that our beloved Dawn […]