We Count What Matters: The Quest for Accurate Racial/Ethnic Data

It’s a call for self-awareness that dates back to the 1981 UUA Racism Audit and echoes still in our 2020 Widening the Circle Report. The collective cry for consistent racial and ethnic data collection has yet to be adequately addressed by UU institutions. Currently, the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) and the Canadian Unitarian Council (CUC) lack a uniform methodology for gathering this crucial data. This current reality can distort our understanding of Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) UUs, allowing stereotypes to flourish while eroding the bedrock values of justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion upon which we stand.

While DRUUMM acknowledges the earnest attempts by the UUA to capture racial demographics over the years, there remains room for growth. Our “We Count What Matters” project aims to bridge these gaps, championing well-informed policies that paint an accurate picture of our community’s diversity.

Your Opportunity to Shape Our Future

Throughout our 25-year journey, DRUUMM has remained steadfast in its mission: advocating for the voices of BIPOC UUs and battling the shadows of invisibility and marginalization.

We now invite you to be part of a transformative effort.

In September, we are set to launch a racial demographic pilot survey, and we need the aid of 20 DRUUMM volunteers from diverse congregations. This census initiative is more than a data-gathering exercise; it’s a voyage of self-discovery that aims to rectify misconceptions and end tokenistic practices.

Why Volunteer?

  • Historical Impact: Contribute to a richer understanding of our BIPOC community, laying the groundwork for future ministries.
  • Community Building: Strengthen bonds with fellow DRUUMM members as you rally for a common cause.
  • Skill Development & Sharing: Learn from each other, forging new tools and insights.

With a community that serves over 1,000 BIPOC UUs annually and supports 50 BIPOC UU groups across North America, it’s imperative that we address the vacuum created by the lack of standardized racial/ethnic data collection.

Reflect on the wisdom shared in The Arc of the Universe is Long, emphasizing the gravity of consistent racial/ethnic data collection. Sadly, despite the many voices that have championed this cause, the UUA and CUC remain outliers in the broader religious landscape, devoid of a consistent demographic census.

It’s time for a change. We count what truly matters. If we’re to shape a world of justice and inclusivity, our actions must be guided by precise data.

If you share our vision of an inclusive UU community and can dedicate a few hours each week for the next two months, we urge you to lead a local data collection pilot in your congregation. Your commitment, combined with meticulous data collection, can be the catalyst for profound change.

Interested? Join one of our Volunteer Orientations, RSVP at druumm.org/events

  • Tuesday, August 22:
    • 6:00 PM Eastern / 5:00 PM Central / 4:00 PM Mountain / 3:00 PM Pacific / 12:00 PM Hawai’i
    • 8:00 PM Eastern / 7:00 PM Central / 6:00 PM Mountain / 5:00 PM Pacific / 2:00 PM Hawai’i
  • Monday, August 28:
    • 7:00 PM Eastern / 6:00 PM Central / 5:00 PM Mountain / 4:00 PM Pacific / 1:00 PM Hawai’i
  • Wednesday, August 30:
    • 8:00 PM Eastern / 7:00 PM Central / 6:00 PM Mountain / 5:00 PM Pacific / 2:00 PM Hawai’i

Alternatively, if these times don’t align with your schedule, we are open to arranging a personalized 1-on-1 session.