Author Archives: DRUUMM Organization

2024 DRUUMM Sponsorship Invitation

Dear Beloveds and Friends of DRUUMM, As DRUUMM President, I am writing to seek your support for our 2024 DRUUMM Public Worship & Fundraiser. It will be held on Wednesday, May 8th, 2024 at 8:00pm Eastern. Our guest preacher is the Reverend Ali C Bell of Cedar Lane, Maryland and musical artist Saunder Choi of Santa Monica, California. Our liturgist […]

Overcoming Overwhelm with Compassion

The following is a transcription from Rev. Summer Albayati’s reflection from Refugee In My Own Home: A Unitarian Universalist Vigil for Gaza held last December 3rd, 2023. Click here for the Youtube recap. Beloveds, I’m the Reverend Summer Albayati. I’m Iraqi, Arab, Muslim, a UU minister. It is good that you’re here today. Thank you […]

Birds of Paradise: A Prayer for Gaza

written by Devin A.C. Dadah Bismillah Ar-Rahman Ar-RaheemAl-hamdu lillahi Rabb il-‘alaminAr-Rahman Ar-RaheemMaliki yawmi-d-Din [In the name of Allah, the MostBeneficent, the Most Merciful.Praise be to Allah, Lord of the WorldsThe Most Beneficent, the Most MercifulOwner of the Day of Judgement.] It is said the children of Gaza whose time on this earth has come to […]

A Journey of Faith and Family

We are delighted to share the highlights from our DRUUMM Fall Caucus, an event marked by heartfelt participation and profound discussions among our vibrant community. Dozens of members convened in small groups to embark on conversations that touched upon the essence of our shared experiences as Unitarian Universalists of Color. The caucus centered around pivotal […]

Open Letter to Unitarian Universalist Colleagues on the War and Occupation in Palestine

DRUUMM supports this open letter and invites our members and friends to contemplate and consider signing on. “This is one of those on hell on earth moments. I believe that every day we organize collectively and risk publicly, we provide a visible response to the violence. This response is akin to a protective factor as […]

Remembering Jacqui Williams, DRUUMM President 1953-2023

Jacquelyn Cheryl Williams was born on April 5, 1953, in Detroit, Michigan to John Williams, Jr., and Clara Sangster. Known to many as Jacqui, she passed away on August 22, 2023. As an active and dedicated member of the Unitarian Universalist community, Jacqui held a longtime membership in DRUUMM (Diverse and Revolutionary UU Multicultural Ministries). […]